A Heart Exposed ~ a lesson in light ~ { Film Friday }

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. Ephesians 5:13

If you've been following along with me here for the past few months you might know about this little film journey that I'm on. I have decided to primarily use film for my personal photography... an attempt to shoot one roll of film per month and share it here.

I was so disappointed when I received these scans back from the lab. The truth is I was hesitant to share these frames with you - They are incredibly imperfect (and not in the cool kind of imperfect way that I usually love). They are dull, they are underexposed and well.. just plain ugly.

For the last 3 or 4 months when the lab sends my film scans back to me.. they always send along some feedback on what I've done right or wrong. Almost every time they have told me how much color negative film LOVES light... it NEEDS light.. an abundance of light to come out looking beautiful, bright and clean. When it's underexposed it's left a bit dim, lack luster and just not quite right... which is what we have here.

As I was thinking about these photos and not wanting to share them here because they aren't so beautiful and perfect or even perfectly imperfect.. I realized that our hearts are a lot like film.  They need proper exposure to the light or they aren't quite right.  I've been so crazy (gratefully so) busy for the last several months that I haven't taken the time to tend to my heart.. to let it soak up the light {HIS light} that it needs to be beautiful, bright and clean. My heart has been rather self-centered , negative, and underexposed.

In an attempt to recharge, refocus and soak in all that light.. I've decided to take the month of December and focus on simple things like my family, this Christmas season, spending time in the Word and reading a few books. I'm saying goodbye to the internet and my cell phone for the next few weeks... until next year...

For those of you who stop by this little space of mine every so often.. THANK YOU! It truly means so much. 

I'm wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you O' Lord my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14




I think these are beautiful, Angie. I love the grain, the hints of something more in the frames, the intimacy of these moments.
Diane Murphy(non-registered)
Let me know when you are back. Have very joyous Christmas with your family.
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