Ob La Di Ob La Da... { Film Friday }

I sit here looking out the window ever so grateful that the sun is shining through,  wondering how I can sum up the last two months. December was decent but not as awesome as I hoped it would be. It was calm and quite for the most part. My intention of unplugging from "all things internet" for the month was only partly successful. While I managed to stay off of social media.. Amazon and google were a different story. Do you now how hard it is to not shop on Amazon over the holidays?? It was hard.. so hard I broke and shopped away. I read some new books and re-read some old favorites. I didn't pick up my camera once.. not one time during December.. I thought I would have.. but I didn't. Let's blame it on the lack of light.. I feel like it's been a dark, dreary last couple of months... and I don't do well with dark and dreary unless there's a thunderstorm.  We had to put our beloved kitty down the day before Christmas Eve. Her little heart failed her. We only had that kitty for a little more than one year.. and in that year her bold personality brought us more joy than I could have imagined. We miss her.

If I could get a do-over on January... I guess I wouldn't so let's just get through it. January was not awesome in any way. I usually love the fresh start to a new year and all of the hope and promise it brings. My birthday is in the middle of month and this year I turned 40. I usually don't make a big deal over getting another year older but this year.. I was ready to embrace it with a good attitude. except...that didn't happen. I spent the 2 weeks surrounding my birthday in bed.. sicker than sick. Not how I imagined it! But guess what? I'm still 40.. and I feel better than I did a few weeks ago!

So what can I take away from the last two.. (not as awesome as I expected) months? even when your days don't turn out exactly how you hoped...  as the old song goes.. "Ob La Di Ob La Da.. Life goes on.. "


Catching up on my #filmfriday Here are a few images from October and November.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);

17 Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly];

18 Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].


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